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               exist. But it does: it is in our lungs and blood, in our heart and brains, though we
               realize it only when we are short of it. Only at that point we take measures, and
               sometimes it’s too late. The air, however, is over our heads and on top of the moun-
               tains, in Copacabana and in London, on the Kilimangiaro and the Poles; it helps
               turbines make jets fly, accordions play, bellows pump and men live.
                  But nowadays men are at risk, living in a sort of perennial balance: they risk
               both physically and immediately for the pathologies caused by stale air, a common-
               place which we hardly worry about; and a physically, again , hough they will real-
               ize it later in time – within two or three generations, maybe – for what climate
               changes related to carbon dioxide increase may bring about in terms of the general
               balance of the Earth.
                  Therefore, man is precariously balanced within the Earth’s balance. And the
               Earth will no longer risk to be precariously balanced until man won’t decide to be
               first well balanced with himself and then with the world surrounding him. The air
               first, naturally.

                                           To the readers
                    This issue of Silvae, the CFS scientific journal, comes out later
                 than scheduled given to delays in the preparation of this publication
                 budget. We apologize to readers, subscribers, and those contributors
                 who provide us with food for thought in each journal issue.
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