Page 4 - SilvaeAnnoI_N2.qxp
P. 4


                          FROM   GOOD   TO   VALUE

                                        by Stefano Cazora

                        onstitution is the DNA of a State, it includes its genesis and
                       evolution.  Just like the fundamental molecule that rules the life of
               Chuman beings, the alteration of a Constitution is it not an easy task.
            The latter is only possible after the values and precepts that are meant to be changed
            or added have been settled in that particular preparatory crucible which is the
            material Constitution of a Nation, its common sense.
               Even though late and among many difficulties, the legislator endeavours to
            accomplish a delicate and important operation of constitutional engineering: that of
            including the protection of the environment among the fundamental rights of the
            Constitution. It is required to establish by force of law what has been known for
            years by the elementary particles of a Nation, the citizens
               There is certainly a strong relationship between the environment and the
            protection of rights. Nevertheless, even after the environmentalist wave, the
            international agreements on the subject and the birth of  the European
            Constitution, a juridical qualification of environment hasn’t been made up yet.
            Though the term took its first steps in the year 2001 with the reform of claim V,
            up to now the Constitutional Legislator lost the chance of changing the concept of
            environment “from good to value”.
               The sense of the importance of this value has given rise to a strong reforming
            movement even in the complex field of sanctioning; that is the reason why the
            Commission for the reform of the criminal code has begun a general review of
            environmental crimes providing their insertion in the special part of the code. This
            is a novelty not only from the systematic point of view, but also because the cases in  .2
            point are now qualified as crimes. This is a brave but necessary proposal even
            though, as previously pointed out, an autonomous juridical concept of environment  oI-n
            doesn’t exist yet.                                                           n
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