Page 8 - Coespu Magazine 2017-2
P. 8

moment they will be required. This principle is valid also for the International Organizations, which
           sometimes change too often and too rapidly.
           Nowadays we  could say that we are facing security challenges coming from two arcs of crisis and
           instability lapping on NATO and Europe’s  borders: the southern one from  the Middle East  invests
           North Africa and sub-Saharan/Sahel region, and the eastern one, which encompasses the Black Sea
                                                                              and  the  eastern  Mediterranean
                                                                              from the Baltic Sea.
                                                                              Italy,  whose  strategy  is  focused
                                                                              on the Mediterranean for obvious
                                                                              historical      and       mostly
                                                                              geographical  reasons,  promotes
                                                                              in all international fora as well as
                                                                              in  terms  of domestic policy, the
                                                                              development of strategies to deal
                                                                              with  the  security  challenges
                                                                              emerging  on  this  so-called
                                                                              “Southern Flank” of NATO and
                                                                              Europe. In the meantime, we do
                                                                              not  shirk  our  responsibilities,  as
           an active and engaged member of the most relevant International Organizations, wherever asked to
           The “Southern Flank” presents a great complexity and evokes a multi-shaped threat that is not limited
           to  the  countries  facing  the  Mediterranean,  but  includes  other  areas,  namely  the  Arabic  Peninsula,
           Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Horn of Africa. But not only, because the two arcs of crisis
           merge in the Black Sea and the Balkan regions.
           All  of  these  have  direct  and  indirect  influence  on  the  security  of  the  Mediterranean  basin.  More
           specifically,  this  wider  area  is  where  multiple  phenomena  converge,  such  as  institutional  fragility,
           uncontrolled  migration,  faith-
           inspired  terrorism  and  the
           proliferation  of  transnational
           criminal    organisations   that
           thrive on illegal trafficking, first
           and foremost of human beings.
           In  this  scenario,  a  “triangular”
           relationship  emerges,  which
           requires  the  need  to  act
           simultaneously              and
           synergistically - at the political,
           diplomatic  and  military  level  -
           on  three  variables:  the  fight
           against terrorist phenomena, the
           contrast to the criminal network
           that  draws  profits  from  migratory  flows  and  the  contribution  to  the  stability  of  the  countries  of
           Northern Africa and Middle East. Only an informed action taken by governments and the international

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