Page 3 - Coespu Magazine 2017-2
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           The geopolitical uncertainty, that has become a feature of our time, is characterized by a wide range
           of global problems, a part of which are cross-border.
           Organized crime, terrorism, environmental deterioration, disputes over and exploitation of natural
           resources, uncontrolled refugee flows connected to illegal immigration and poverty have become
           global  risks  for  the  entire  humanity.  As  a  direct  consequence,  the  security  concept  has  been
           undergoing a dramatic transformation in multiple sectors, posing increasingly complex challenges.
           Alongside globalization and the spread of networked and hyper-connected technologies, there are
           new  Police  tasks,  significantly  increased  in  complexity  and  scale,  that  influence  local,  national,
           regional and international  decisions determining  security challenges that need to be assessed by
           actors operating at different levels.
           In this context, the Carabinieri have recently celebrated the 203  Anniversary of their foundation.
           Since then, the Carabinieri have assisted generations of Italians, with their attentive and reassuring
           presence, playing a key role  in Italian history as tireless protagonists of historical events, both in
           their  homeland  and  in  international  engagements,  to  restore  peace  and  security  in  collapsed
           During more than two centuries of history, the Carabinieri have  been irreplaceable guarantors of
           “private  and  public  security”,  sharing  all  difficult  and  at  times  tragic  moments,  but  always
           following a path marked by high loyalty to the institutions and dedicated to protect the citizens,
           following the values that have always represented the core of our identity. It is important just to
           recall here– for those who are not perfectly acquainted with our Institution – that the Carabinieri
           have a unique identity soul, determined by being, at one time, an Armed Force with Military Police
           tasks and a Police Force with a general competence and an international vocation. This nature has
           required specific capabilities, among which the participation in international missions, with Military
           Police and peacekeeping Units, always working to defend the weaker, contributing in the frontline
           of the fight to guarantee peace and global security.
           In  this  regard,  with  the  support  of  MSUs  original  establishment  in  destabilized  areas  and  the
           international recognition of its reliability, the Carabinieri have become a more requested protagonist
           in  the  stabilization  of  completely  or  partially  collapsed  Countries,  where  the  application  of
           principles aimed at supporting, training and monitoring local civil Police Forces has been always
           appreciated by the International Community.
           This  is  the  starting  point  to  fully  understand  the  particular  mission  of  the  Carabinieri  Center  of
           Excellence for Stability Police Units. The CoESPU is a unique think-tank, a hub to develop training
           and  educational  activities  manned  by  150  highly  specialized  Carabinieri.  In  this  Center,  the
           doctrines  for  Stability  Police  Units  are  studied,  developed  and  promoted  by  means  of  a  holistic
           approach in collaboration with the most important international academic and research institutes.
           At  the  Center,  high  level  courses  are  delivered  to  Police  officers,  commissioned  and  non-
           commissioned, from all over the world. The CoESPU represents a combination of the  best Police
           forces capabilities, an Italian excellence in the international security training sector.
           In this vein, I am pleased to present the current issue of the CoESPU Magazine 2017,  which will
           allow You to discover the wide range of CoESPU activities.
           Have a good and, above all, profitable reading!

                                                                                        Tullio Del Sette
                                                               Carabinieri Commanding General
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