Page 4 - RIVISTA 4 2019
P. 4


               BG. Giovanni Pietro Barbano
               MANAGING EDITOR:
                  CAPT. Vito Franchini

                 CAPT. Vito Franchini
                    CWO. Salvatore Camagna
                      WO. Massimiliano Dimichele
                        MR. Denis Rizzotti

                      IMAGES AND ARTWORK SOURCES:
                        United Nations, European Union,
                         Carabinieri General HQs, CoESPU photo lab.
                          Cover picture by Capt. Vito Franchini
                           Other authors are indicated in single captions

                             COESPU,  VIA MEDICI,  87
                                ZIP CODE:  36100, VICENZA (ITALY)
                                  Telephone +39 0444 932190

                                SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE
                                    Andrea De Guttry
                                      Andrea Margelletti
                                       Bernardo Sala
                                        Dimitry Titov
                                          Edoardo Greppi
                                            Fausto Pocar
                                             Gabriella Venturini
                                               Giorgio Cuzzelli
                                                 Karen J. Finkenbinder
                                                   Maureen Brown
                                                     Michael Dziedzic
                                                       Nadia Gerspacher
                                                         Oreste Foppiani
                                                           Richard A. Love
                                                      The CoESPU Magazine is devoted to the publication of professional concepts and issues, research
                                                      and doctrinal products developed by the Carabinieri Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units, in
                                                      collaboration with other international research Centers. The Magazine addresses topics of professio-
                                                      nal, technical, operational and juridical nature in the fi eld of Stability Policing within Peace Opera-
                                                      tions. Based on the core values of ethics, integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity, harmo-
                                                      nically infl ected and informed by the traditions of over two hundred years of Carabinieri history, the
                                                      Magazine fosters Human Rights and gender mainstreaming, while seeking to enhance current police
                                                      peacekeeping doctrine and promoting international police peacekeeping interoperability, cognizant
                                                      of Lessons Learned and best practises. The CoESPU Magazine is constantly committed to upholding
                                                      UN standards, norms, procedures and curricula, while endorsing self-suffi ciency of the participating
                                                      Police Contributing Countries. Consequently, its editorial policy promotes the principles of represen-
                                                      tativeness, responsiveness, and accountability, as well as effectiveness, effi ciency, transparency, and
                                                      accessibility, to provide the highest professional standards to build trust and legitimacy of benefi ciary
                                                      Law Enforcement Institutions.

                                                      DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this journal belong to single authors and do not ne-
                                                      cessarily refl ect the offi cial policy or position of the CoESPU, the UN, The Italian Government, the
                                                      Carabinieri  or  other  nominated  Institutions.  Content  is  copyrighted  where  expressly  indicated,
                                                      but  Material  belongs  to  authors  themselves.  The  Center  of  Excellence  for  Stabilities  Police  Units
                                                      retains  full  and  exclusive  ownership  over  other  magazine  contents  and  original  images.  Repro-
                                                      duction  of  any  part  of  this  magazine  without  express  written  permission  is  strictly  prohibited.
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